Repair, Refurbishing, Improvements and Expansion begins ~ June 2005



 June 2007 
Community Classroom, Performance and Meeting space   



                     January 2010                                                                                                        Guided Reading ~ Literacy Girl

Trenchtown Reading Centre

Kingston 12       Jamaica



Trench Town Reading Centre~ Friends & Amigos (FACEBOOK)

• American Embassy Jamaica (Office of Public Affairs)

• Int'l & Jamaica Scotia Wealth Mng Div.

• American Friends of Jamaica

• Agency for Inner City Renewal

• Jane Buchanan( NY ) Branding

• BCLA:British Columbia Library Assoc

• HELP Jamaica:

Canadian Women's Club Kingston

Trafalgar New Heights Rotary

..and to the many individuals who have reached out in support of the Centre..
THANK You for your contributions, enthusiasm
and encouragement...

Please send books in boxes small enough to be sent directly through the post office. (Picking up books from the airport is very problematic).

Trenchtown Reading      Centre         
Lower First Street
Kingston 12
Jamaica    West Indies

The Centre was closed for a time but since 2006 has continued to provide books, programs, and a welcoming place for reading, learning, literacy,and studying.


After  school  fun ....

Carl Brown: Boys Town

Saturday Morning

Boys Town Basic school class

Loving Books

Painting-newly blocked off window.. shelves coming

Ahhh...done!   Junior Section New shelves & New books!

Boys Town Football team and Book Buddies

MORE PHOTOS: 2010, 2011, 2012
on OFFICIAL Facebook Page: Friends of the TrenchTwon Reading Centre



History 2005-2007

In July 2005 I returned to to Trench Town after an absence due to caring for my ailing parents. The building and book collection were in a bad state and, sadly, the Centre was not really in use.

I began necessary & major renovations; repairing & updating the structure and repairing and restocking the book collection, which had been depleted. With the help of the FTRC and Christopher Whyms-Stone the work on the facility and book collection progressed well. We put in an essential walkway leading directly to the Centre's front door, grilled in the verandah, made tables, fixed lights, blocked off a wall to create more space for books, new windows and doors.....more shelves and most importantly created a 'kids Corner.' When we were done I was reimbursed for a portion of the refurbishing costs thanks to Gloria Palomino and the 'American Friends of Jamaica.'

The Centre was up and running again in early 2006. The librarian is a local woman who had been a teenager helping me at the Centre when it first opened in the old park building, December of 1993!  

The book collection was growing but I did not have the funds to complete the remaining updates


A year after renewal began, the American Ambassador, Brenda LaGrange Johnson and the Office of Public Affairs have, since their visit to the Reading Centre in May 2006, shown enthusiasm and support for the Reading Centre.

In fall of 2006. We were awarded a grant. As a result we were able to complete the much needed renovations; painting, more new shelving, fans, bathrooms improved, utility sink added and 'Kids Corner' extended. The book collection was refurbished and greatly expanded.

The effect this grant has had on the Centre's ability to provide for our users, programs, and to build the collection has been tremendous. The community and those of us at the Reading Centre are very appreciative, not only for the grant, but also for the spirit and understanding and encouragement we continue to receive from the US Embassy

Thanks to Friends of the Trenchtown Reading Centre, Gloria Palomino with a grant from the 'American Friends of Jamaica' and Architect Chris Whyms-Stone, the 'Community Classroom' was constructed out of the adjacent uncompleted building.
Inside & electrical was completed by FTRC & with a grant from the PR Office of US Embassy FACE JA in 2008.

• In 2008 the TrenchTown Reading Centre's physical space .. buildings & yard were complete.

• Book collection rebuilt and continually growing... with a reputation as one of the most complete & considered libraries in Jamaica.

• In 2009 the Scotia Wealth Development Group built a wonderful reading pavilion on site.

Program Development & Delivery, Curriculum, Staff Training, Maintenance & Improvements of the facility. Management and PR provided by Friends of the TrenchTown Reading Centre. Since 2010 Agency for Inner City Renewal has generously aided FTRC with dispensing funds & related management issues.

• Please vist our Facebook Group page for current events. **this is the ONLY OFFICIAL TRC Facebook Page. )
Beware there is another page posing as the Centre -they are collecting funds & books - we DO NOTreceive any of it. If you have any doubts or questions the OFFICIAL email is:




My friend and colleague, Carl 'coach' Brown, who grew up in Trench Town & lived there many years. Despite moving out of the area and his many success's Carl has always been an active participant in Boys Town and is constantly concerned and involved with the people and issues affecting the area.We shared similar hopes and concerns for Trench Town and constantly brainstormed ideas and discussed how to deal with various difficulties. Carl was a great help when I was struggling to get the refurbishing done.

There was a need to create an organization to broaden the scope of participants and create a more even and efficient flow of support in order to complete development plans for the buildings, grounds and book collection. In August of 2006, we decided to officially join together creating the non-profit; FACE Jamaica: Friends Advancing Community Education.
Goals accomplished FACE Jamaica is being phased oput.

Friends of the TrenchTown Reading Centre(FTRC) continues to raise funds, develop programs & curriculum
and manage the faciilty in all aspects. Agency for Inner City (AIR) renewal generously assists with management.

.... committed to the growth of a peaceful and vibrant neighbourhood....